Thursday, December 31, 2009

McKee Manor Adventures

Moving in and getting settled were a pretty big adventure in and of themselves...but there was no relaxin after that because Emily's wedding was within a month! It was a hustlin' and bustlin' time at McKee Manor getting everything ready. But of course everything turned out beautiful and amazing...and we were very grateful when the wedding was over! When Emma gets married I am hiring a wedding planner!!
Here's me and the girls the day before the wedding...people were still decorating the cultural hall for the reception. We took Emily out for a little bachelorette party.

Emma and Daddy dancing at the reception. Emma and the other nieces wore these ridiculously cute tutu's and they LOVED them. I was asked to be a bridesmaid, too...I was honored! I will have to put a pic up later of me and Emily together!

Emma loved these little lights that lit up the potted trees. She would gather them from the other pots...she had 5 or 6 lights in one pot at one point. She eventually got one for christmas in her stocking.

Emma still asks to wear her tutu! Its like little girls just know that there is something special about tutus!

Emma saw Santa twice this year...once at Ben's office and the other at Fred Meyer (they were doing free pics with Santa!). Both times I sat with her for the pics. I'd rather have a smiling child for photos and I would prefer not to scar my child for life! ha jk She will probably have a better idea of who he is next year.

Whenever Grandpa comes home Allison & Emma immediately start saying "Incredibles"...but it sounds more like "care bears". It means that they want to sit in Grandpa's lap and watch The Incredibles. Usually their persistence works.

Decorating the Christmas tree with two 2 year olds was quite entertaining. They had a blast helping Grandma.
These ornaments are called "bubbles" by Emma. When Emma and Allison first started putting the "bubbles" on the tree they only needed one branch to hang them on as you can see! :) That branch got pretty heavy! Eventually they started spreading out the ornaments more.

The end result was adorable and hilarious! All the ornaments only made it about a third of the way up the tree.

Poor Santa!

We went to Zoo Lights at the Point Defiance Park Zoo on Dec 23rd. The lights were spectacular! It was a fairly chilly night...I am loving the Washington winters....Iowa winters were a little harsh!
The indoor aquarium was still open during the Zoolights and we had fun looking at all the fish and sea creatures until my new brother-in-law David was eatin by a shark!!! That kindof ruined the evening.

Yay...Christmas Eve dinner with the McKee Manor Clan. The newlyweds were visiting for a week (David wasn't really swallowed by a shark) and we all enjoyed a super yummy dinner! BBQed salmon with twice baked potatoes and all the fixins'. And for dessert we had vanilla ice with strawberries.

Emma and Allison were super excited about their matching pj's they got Christmas Eve. It was a tradition in my house growing up that you got to open 1 present Christmas Eve and it was always pajamas. You gotta look cute Christmas morning for pictures!

We had a great Christmas! And we are excited about this new year! It is going to be another big time of transition for our family...but things just keep getting better!


Erin said...

It's great to see pictures. It must be so nice to be close to family.

30 year-old Dad said...

The daddy-daughter dancing pic stole the show. Ben, you must have taken lessons?

Shauna said...

Sounds fun! Emma is getting so big! Sounds like Emma and Halle have the same tastes when it comes to decorating trees.

We are the Turner's! said...

I am glad that you all are doing well out there in Washington! I am glad that you had a wonderful Christmas! The girls look so cute in their matching Pjs. I am sure they are having fun with each other! It is cool that they live in the same house. I love all the pictures and the updates! Emma's tutu sure is adorable! We sure miss you here! Have a great January!